5 Decades Project (collection)
a collection by Forthspring Inter Community Group

Additional information about this project

"Forthspring has worked since 1997 to build relationships between neighbouring Protestant and Catholic communities in West Belfast. The 5 Decades Project grew out of a desire to examine these communities' very different experience of living through the 'Troubles', with the goal of developing a shared, but not agreed, account of the conflict and its impact.
Experiences and memories were gathered through storytelling in small groups from the same community background, roughly structured around the 5 decades beginning with the 1960s. There were also opportunities to share and hear stories from other communities. Over 150 people have taken part."
Forthspring 5 Decades Project. (2014). 'Talking About The Troubles'. (Rear cover)

5 Decades Project (collection)
"Forthspring has worked since 1997 to build relationships between neighbouring Protestant and Catholic communities in West Belfast. The 5 Decades Project grew out of a desire to examine these communities' very different experience of living through the 'Troubles', with the goal of developing a shared, but not agreed, account of the conflict and its impact.
Experiences and memories were gathered through storytelling in small groups from the same community background, roughly structured around the 5 decades beginning with the 1960s. There were also opportunities to share and hear stories from other communities. Over 150 people have taken part."
Forthspring 5 Decades Project. (2014). 'Talking About The Troubles'. (Rear cover)
Forthspring Inter Community Group
Stories Collected
20+ interviews (leading to 80 stories in the published book)
Stories Deposited

Collection Tree