- Accounts of the Conflict (archive)
- An Crann / The Tree (organisation)
- Ardoyne Commemoration Project (organisation) [NC]
- Bacic, Roberta. (individual compiler)
- BBC Northern Ireland (organisation)
- CADOLEMO Ltd. (organisation) [NC]
- Coiste na n-Iarchimi (organisation) [NC]
- Corrymeela Community, The (organisation)
- Cost of the Troubles Survey, The (organisation) [NC]
- Deirdre Brennan and Barry Connolly (individual compiler)
- Diversity Challenges (organisation)
- Eastside Community Heritage (organisation) [NC]
- Falls Community Council (organisation) [NC]
- Forthspring Inter Community Group (organisation)
- Gallery of Photography, Ireland (organisation) [NC]
- Gaslight Productions (organisation) [NC]
- Hall, Michael (individual compiler)
- Healing Through Remembering (HTR) (organisation)
- History (TV Channel) (organisation) [NC]
- History of Nursing Network, RCN NI (organisation)
- INCORE (organisation)
- Individual Story-Tellers (individual)
- Ionad Forbartha Gno – LIGIT (organisation) [NC]
- JIVT Ltd. (organisation)
- Kerr, Adrian (individual compiler)
- Latton Social Services and Development Ltd. (organisation)
- Lindsay, John. (individual compiler)
- NIMMA (Northern Ireland Mixed Marriage Association) (organisation)
- Queens University Belfast (organisation)
- Rolston, Bill. (individual compiler)
- Shared Troubles (individual compiler)
- Sligo County Council (organisation)
- Smashing Times Theatre Company Ltd. (organisation)
- Spencer, Graham. (individual compiler)
- Towards Understanding and Healing (organisation) [NC]
- Verbal Arts Centre (organisation)
- WAVE Trauma Centre (organisation) [NC]
- Wharton, Ken. (individual compiler)
- Wilson, Alastair. (individual compiler) [NC]
- Workers' Educational Association (organisation)