What is 'Accounts of the Conflict'
Accounts of the Conflict is a digital archive of personal accounts of the conflict, based in Ulster University. It is designed to provide for the long-term storage of stories related to ‘the Troubles’ in, and about, Northern Ireland. The archive contains collections of personal accounts, the vast majority of which have been collected by a wide range of community-based organisations and projects across Northern Ireland and beyond. Where possible, and with the permission of the story teller, the archive contains accessible versions of the personal account in text, audio or audio-visual form. The archive also contains catalogue information on a wider range of stories related to the conflict which have been gathered over the years and are accessible through other sources. Accounts of the Conflict was funded from the European Union’s PEACE lll programme, managed by the Special EU Programmes Body.
NOTE - New accounts continue to be added to the archive and a process for self-deposit of individual stories will be developed.
Featured Video
Justice and Healing after Tragedy, by Nicole Watt (story video)
Video (audio and still images in video format) of the account given by Nicole Watt related to the Omagh Bomb (15 August 1998). "Nicola Watt has written this reflection on Peace and Justice after a visit to the Omagh Bomb Memorial Garden." (from the…