
Living Through The Conflict (book details)

Collection: Dúchas oral history archive (collection) [NC]
Organisation: Falls Community Council (organisation) [NC]

A book containing extracts from oral histories recorded as part of the Pieces of the Past project and added to the Dúchas oral history archive.

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Dúchas oral history archive. (2014). Living Through The Conflict (book details). Dúchas oral history archive.
Accounts of the Conflict; Accessed: 3 March 2025 <http://k8s-accounts-01.ulster.ac.uk/repo24/index.php/items/show/2433>

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I was knocked back twenty years, by Tommy Harrison (story details)

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The night of the smoke changed everything, by Bill Henry (story details)

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We're a melody band, by Norman Hunt (story details)

It was going to that meeting and Harold Good, by Billy Hutchinson (story details)

Mackie's was going 24 hours a day, by Drew Johnston (story details)

Like it was yesterday, by Joan Johnston (story details)

Political thinking, by Jake Kane (story details)

There will be a day of reckoning, by Mary Kelly (story details)

My dad never recovered from it, by Ally Kennedy (story details)

I don't think they ever got over it, by Eddie Kinner (story details)

Closing the Crumlin Road jail, by Andrew Larmour (story details)

The cogs in the wheel, by Raymond Laverty (story details)

This huge collective sigh of relief, by Lee Lavis (story details)

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It came right to my door, by Terry Lyons (story details)

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The establishment of the Cultúrlann and Coláiste Feirste, by Séamus Mac Seáin (story details)

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The funniest barricade, by Larry Mc Gurk (story details)

Seeing people get locked out, by Jim McAuley (story details)

The Abercorn bomb, by Donna McIlroy (story details)

The big strike, by Norman McMaster (story details)

Everything changed when I was eight years of age, by Alan McVeigh (story details)

Learning Irish in Belfast in the 50s, by Brighid Mhic Sheáin (story details)

... that it would be of help to the children, by Máire Mhic Sheáin (story details)

Laying the foundations, by Caitlín Mhistéil (story details)

That was our defiance, by Hugh Mornin (story details)

He died a week later, by Betty Morrison (story details)

A walking stick, by Paddy Mulvenna (story details)

61 SOSPs, by William Mitchell (story details)William Mitchell

The people's taxis, by Jim Neeson (story details)

I started putting dialogue to the thoughts, by Robert Niblock (story details)

The Irish language and poltical struggle, by Gearóid Ó Cairealláin (story details)

Ideological development, by Peadar Ó Cuinneagáin (story details)

How can I do something, by Liam Ó Maolchloiche (story details)

My first teacher, by Pilib Ó Ruanai (story details)

Joe's co-pilot, by Stevie O Reilly (story details)

The mist rolled away, by May Paul (story details)

Black Clouds, by Michael Pike (story details)

One of the starkest things, by Johnston Price (story details)

It tore my heart out, by Alan Quail (story details)

We were trying to do something to gain something, by Jim Rea (story details)

Coal driving - one taxi, two drivers, by Seamus Rice (story details)

You were there when nobody was there, by Paul Rooney (story details)

Two days after the introduction of internment, by Sean Simpson (story details)

Trevor was dead and I was three months pregnant, by Margaret Smith (story details)

Her first prison visit, by Donna Spence (story details)

My whole life changed, by Kay Spence (story details)

Her word was law, by Ann Stevenson (story details)

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Boolavogue, by Susie Vallely (story details)

People cam out from every house, by Jim Watson (story details)

We were ploughing a lonley furrow, by Jim Watt (story details)

The following Apirl, by Jude Whyte (story details)

Untitled Story, by Rachel Wylie (story details)

Pieces of the Past (project details)

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