
Bear in Mind (book details)

Collection: Bear in Mind: Stories of the Troubles (collection)
Organisation: An Crann / The Tree (organisation)

A book containing 84 personal accounts, from 69 contributors, related to the Northern Ireland conflict.
Book details:
An Crann. (2000). Bear in Mind: Stories of the Troubles. Belfast: Lagan Press / An Crann The Tree.
ISBN 1 873687 13-3

Publication InformationShowHide

Bear in Mind (book details)
A book containing 84 personal accounts, from 69 contributors, related to the Northern Ireland conflict.
Book details:
An Crann. (2000). Bear in Mind: Stories of the Troubles. Belfast: Lagan Press / An Crann The Tree.
ISBN 1 873687 13-3
An Crann / The Tree
"Taken from the archives of An Crann The Tree Bear in Mind gathers together interviews, written memoirs, letters and poems to provide an illuminating and poignantly moving light into lives shaped - and in some cases shattered - by conflict." (from back cover of book)
Stories Collected
An Crann / The Tree
Date Type
Publication Title
Bear in Mind: Stories of the Troubles
Publisher Location
Lagan Press, and An Crann / The Tree
Publication Type
Publication Status
Number of Pages
ISBN: 1 873687 13 3

Collection InformationShowHide

Bear in Mind: Stories of the Troubles (collection)
'Bear in Mind' is a book containing 84 stories related to 'the Troubles'
An Crann / The Tree
Stories of the Troubles in Northern Ireland.
An Crann / The Tree
Stories are copyright of the individual contributors (2000).
An Crann. (2000). Bear in Mind: Stories of the Troubles. Belfast: Lagan Press / An Crann The Tree.
ISBN 1 873687 13 3
Stories Collected

Organisation InformationShowHide

An Crann / The Tree (organisation)
"Founded in 1994, An Crann / The Tree was an arts-based, charitable organisation ‘dedicated to providing a space in which people can tell - and hear - the splintered, complex, often contradictory stories of the ‘Troubles’ as part of a process which contributes not only to the ethos of peace, healing and reconciliation in Northern Ireland, but also to building a more inclusive, rounded story of the conflict.’ [from organisational literature]." Kelly, G. (2005).
An Crann / The Tree
Personal Accounts / Story-Telling related to the Northern Ireland conflict.
CAIN Bibliography: List of An Crann publications
Date Formed
No longer exists (project ended in 2004?).
Recording and Exhibiting Stories; story-telling.


An Crann / The Tree. Bear in Mind (book details).
Accounts of the Conflict; Accessed: 3 March 2025 <>

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